Thursday, November 6, 2008

Bear looks out of the Mountain....

Right out our front windows and across the Bay there is a dramatic mountain called China Poot Peak. When the first snows fall the slopes of the Peak get dusted in just the right way to produce a dramatic bear face looking out of the the mountain. Here he is....

In a past life we lived furthur north where brown bear sightings are quite common. We once had a big grizzly sniff noses with one of our sled dog pups while we were out on the trail. We also had one walk up to our water barrel right outside the back door and take a big drink before Linda's scream scared him away. Normaly brown bears are shy and avoid people but in Denali National Park the big bruins become accustomed to people and their vehicles and just ignore them. In the mid 90's I took a job as a tour bus driver and saw many of these bears along the Park road. This one was busy scratching his back on a campground sign and really could not have cared less about all us humans in a big bus watching him. One of the passengers on my bus shot this video and sent me a copy...

1 comment:

Nan said...

Oh this is great I love bears !!! Great to see you posting again.